GBG Scheduler
Schedule and execute processes on integrated platforms
Let's Start Scheduling
Green Button Go Scheduler is automated laboratory scheduling software that will help you make the most of the devices, instruments and workcells in your lab.
Plus, you don’t have to be an automation engineer to see the benefits. Featuring user-friendly software designs you might see in a consumer app, you can bring thoughtful control and powerful insights to the entire laboratory.
Drag and drop devices to configure your workcell
Best-in-class error-handling tools and error-recovery methods
Build your processes and define the tasks
Instantly start running with drag-and-drop operations
Schedule and run the process
Monitor real-time progress
See it in action
Scheduler is
Easy to use
Device Agnostic
Interested in what Scheduler can do for your lab?
Green Button Go Orchestrator
Orchestrating Your Discoveries
Plug and Play with Hundreds of Devices and Instruments
Let Green Button Go Scheduler take the headache out of staying connected to a variety of instruments. We’ve integrated hundreds of liquid handlers, incubators, dispensers, washers, and more, with every manufacturer in the game. We keep pace with the latest releases and take the work off your hands to ensure continuity in your lab when you decide to swap out an instrument or change out a process.
Make the Most of Your Equipment
Green Button Go Scheduler not only runs planned activities across a workstation, it also simulates any automated workflow in a fully virtual environment. With the power to simulate, you unlock the ability to run timing studies and experiment with automation design. That means getting more out of the investment you already have.
Software Features Built for Scientists
Green Button Go Scheduler is built with extensions that you can turn on as needed to power up your workflow. Choose what you need and when.
Cell Maintenance Planner
Calendar + execute reoccurring tasks at a specified frequency + duration
Multipath Scheduler
Schedule + control multiple robots and transportation systems simultaneously
Assay Scheduler
Schedule + control multiple assays simultaneously with optimal efficiency
Universal Liquid Handler Interface
Interact with all liquid handlers through an easy-to-use process builder
What Our Clients Say
User-friendly, Walkaway assay support
"In a discovery setting, flexible robotic solutions are important to ensure that automation meets the business’s current and future needs. We are implementing generic solutions that combine automated liquid handling robotics with integrated instrumentation to achieve walkaway assay support.
To ensure easy adoption, user-friendly graphical interfaces enable the systems to process many different assay-specific parameters. Operator intervention is also reduced by utilizing scheduling functionality available in the software to control integrated peripheral devices."
Jesse Mulcahy
Principal Automation Engineer,
EMD Serono
Hear from Jesse and others
You can connect GBG Scheduler with GBG Orchestrator for modular automation success.