Green Button Go Orchestrator Software Suite

GBG Orchestrator

Automated laboratory workflow software that connects workcells and systems across your lab into end-to-end procesesses.

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Bring every lab activity together

No matter what research you do or what devices you choose, bring all your lab activities together with one powerful software suite. Green Button Go Orchestrator manages both the digital flow of data and the physical flow of materials, making it possible to integrate lab processes, workstations, data, business rules, and personnel for the most robust and reliable outcomes.


Synchronize all aspects of the lab in one software ecosystem



Control mobile robots, robotic arms, and track-based conveyors for ultimate flexibility in sample movement

Workstations And Devices

Workstations And Devices

Plug and play with hundreds of devices and instruments, and schedule them in a concert of harmonious activity

Manual Processes

Manual Processes

Capture manual tasks as if they were automated, and pull the data into an analytics system together with data from automated workflows



Monitor the consumable inventory and usage to keep everything running smoothly

Visualize Activity Across the Lab for Deeper Insights

Real-time Monitoring

Monitor and troubleshoot in real-time with transparency into current activities

Long-Term Analytics

Dive into analytics from every process, every device, and every user to refine and optimize for maximum productivity

Operate as One United Research Team

If you run one lab or many labs in different facilities, Green Button Go Orchestrator empowers you with one seamless lab productivity portal. Harmonize and contextualize your data to drive efficiencies at scale.

Green Button Go Orchestrator

A modular suite of software applications enabling you to plan, schedule, execute, and optimize every facet of the laboratory environment.

Data Services

Connect systems seamlessly in the cloud

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Workflow Designer

Build workflows that span across your entire laboratory

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Workflow Conductor

Plan and direct workflows across your entire laboratory

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Lab Experience (Optional)

Capture + digitalize manual tasks and data

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Transportation Manager

Move materials across your entire laboratory and beyond

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Orchestrating Your Discoveries


You can connect GBG Scheduler with GBG Orchestrator for modular automation success.

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