

Protein Science Workflows Made Easy

Automate your protein science and discovery processes

Rely on the sophisticated software tools in Green Button Go® Scheduler and Biosero’s expansive driver library to provide flexibility and control over your process management. The software includes state-of-the-art data tools so full end-to-end proteomics workflows can be automated in record time. Whether you’re repurposing existing immunoassay automationor want to automate existing manual workflows and imaging, Green Button Go Scheduler can increase throughput, walk-away time and data quality.

system layout for the protein purification workcell with labels

Develop efficient integration and automation processes

Protein purification can be time consuming and prone to human error. Biosero’s Green Button Go Scheduler makes it easy for you to automate protein purification, isolation and quantification. The universal liquid handler driver seamlessly integrates liquid handling with other instrumentation and custom engineered solutions, giving users maximum control and customization of their workflows while increasing walkaway time and efficiency.


Use the latest mass spectrometry technologies

Methods for identifying, characterizing, and quantifying proteins are constantly changing, and new technologies for mass spectrometry are frequently introduced. With Green Button Go Scheduler, users have the flexibility to update their lab automation to stay on the leading edge of protein research. By integrating mass spectrometry technologies with Green Button Go Scheduler labs have unlimited control and access over their data, enabling faster discovers—no matter where the science leads.

mass spectrometry

Automation that is accessible to everyone in the lab

Immunoassays are the cornerstone of proteomics. As new technologies and instrumentation support for immunoassay screening become increasingly available, Biosero’s large driver library and flexible system design can help you maximize the latest automation tools. Green Button Go Scheduler includes an intuitive, drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to scale and adapt your science in record time.


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