Why we’re supporting Girls Inc. of San Diego

September 8, 2021  |  Team Biosero

Here at Biosero, laboratory automation may be our primary focus, but we’re also committed to supporting our community, STEM education programs, and kids in need. This year we are pleased to continue our support for Girls Inc., a nonprofit founded in 1864 that’s dedicated to helping girls overcome barriers.

Biosero team members have contributed to our local Girls Inc. of San Diego programs over the years, and our company has given financial support as well. This year, we have increased our financial sponsorship to help support their programs in San Diego. We believe this will help the amazing group at Girls Inc. of San Diego provide more of their invaluable services.

We recently caught up with Biosero Chief Operating Officer Andrea Salazar, who serves on the Girls Inc. board and has been actively involved with the organization for several years.

Girls Inc.

What makes Girls Inc. of San Diego so great?
We serve underrepresented, underserved girls in San Diego. We focus on making them strong, smart, and bold. We teach them about healthy eating habits and what healthy relationships look like. The Girls Inc. comprehensive approach to whole girl development equips girls to navigate gender, economic, and social barriers and grow up healthy, educated, and independent. Some of these girls are from families that may be struggling, or maybe culturally there’s an expectation that they will work instead of going to college. Girls Inc. provides programs in local schools so they can learn about what opportunities are out there. We aim to get them to graduate from high school and seek out higher education — anything to break the cycle and invest in their future.

Why did you get involved with the group?
I really wanted to give back, and their mission and approach really resonated with me. I’m of Mexican heritage, so many of these girls look at me and see someone who looks like them and someone who can relate to their cultural differences.

Why is this group a good fit for the Biosero commitment to giving back?
We are passionate about helping girls and youth in general. We support STEM and robotics programs, so this is a nice extension of that.

How has Biosero contributed?
In addition to our corporate sponsorship of Girls Inc. of San Diego, our whole team gets involved for certain programs. Last year, for instance, many people pitched in to buy school supplies. Biosero contributed backpacks, and team members bought school supplies and had them shipped to the office where we put everything together in gift bags and sent them to the organization. It’s been wonderful to see how many people relate to the program and want to make a difference.

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