Why we do what we do: Supporting research that makes a difference

November 24, 2021  |  Team Biosero

In 2018, at Biosero, we asked ourselves a simple question: Why? What inspired each person on our team to get out of bed every morning and show up to work?

We asked all of our employees to share their “why” statements with each other. We discovered that for our team, their jobs were more than a path to a paycheck. Everyone was motivated by the opportunity to support transformative research in the biomedical science space that has a real-world impact. We are proud to work daily with customers developing new treatments for cancer and other diseases, but we wanted to do more to make a difference.

These informal conversations led to the launch of the Biosero WHY Project. It’s an in-house initiative through which we support philanthropic causes that matter to us. Each year, our team nominates causes and votes for the one that will receive a financial contribution from Biosero to support their work. Throughout that year, our employees also rally to support the cause in their own way, whether that’s through private donations, participating in fundraising runs, or helping to raise awareness about important issues.

Through this initiative, we have given away nearly $100,000 to philanthropic causes. In 2019, our team voted for the Cancer Research Institute, a nonprofit organization that supports research efforts to develop immune system-based strategies for cancer. In 2020, our team voted to support the Alzheimer’s Association, a nonprofit organization that supports research around Alzheimer’s and dementia. In addition, in 2020, we gave away more than $2 million in free automation software to any team that wanted to use it to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year, the team chose Alzheimer’s San Diego. Alzheimer’s San Diego recognizes that dementia takes a toll, not only on people living with dementia but on caregivers as well.  For those living with dementia, Alzheimer’s San Diego provides social activities, outings, educational programs, and connections to clinical trials. They also offer support for caregivers through clinical care coaches, support groups, respite care, and coping with caregiving training. We applaud Alzheimer’s San Diego for giving Alzheimer’s a voice.

The work that we do at Biosero is challenging yet transformative. We recognize the importance of being driven by a purpose larger than ourselves. That commitment to philanthropy and to following our passion permeates the entire organization here. Our team is proud of the opportunity to support projects and initiatives that lead to new and effective drugs for some of today’s most challenging diseases.

Donate to Alzheimer’s San Diego


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